Become A Friend of the Platt Library

Be A Supporter Of The Platt Library!


What the Friends Do

  • Support the Platt Library by donating materials and programs not provided by the City
  • Staff and run the Shel Schuster Used Bookstore to raise funds
  • Provide volunteers such as "GAB readers" and "literacy program volunteers" to assist the library staff
  • Host community programs of general interest
  • Provide additional "Hot Off The Press" books

Membership Benefits

  • Newsletter and e-mail announcements
  • Special events and book sales
  • The satisfaction of contributing meaningfully to the community

Special Benefits

Sustaining Members - A new book placed in the collection in your honor*
Life Members - A new book dedicated in your honor*

(All membership contributions are tax deductible and may be matched by your employer.)

*Please be sure to include your preferred book topic in the comments during registration.

Make checks payable to: Friends of the Platt Library, 23600 Victory Blvd., Woodland Hills, CA 91367

Individual Subscription

Please enter information on the form below to process subscription for Individual.

Payment Information

$10.00 for each 12 Months
Offline Payment
Do You have Question? Call or Visit Us.

(+1) 818-340-9386

23600 Victory Boulevard,
Woodland Hills, CA 91367

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